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Is there a fee to use Metro Gogo?

For Vendors or those putting on an event, there is a very small fee. For those using the site to find events or activities in their area, the service is completely free to use. 


As a Vendor, you also have the opportunity to boost your event. This will pop your event at the top of the list for a specific category or you can even opt for the header on Metro Gogo Home Page or your city specific page. Use this tool to get more attention and more visitors. 

Why do you collect a fee to post an event?

We collect a very small fee to protect the integrity of the Event Calendar. By verifying a Credit Card and ensuring the events posted are done so by a real human, we can ensure that the events that we have on our calendar are real and those that use our site to advertise their events or plan their days have validated information. 



Am I limited to the Cities currently used?

Not at all! If you have an event in your area reach out and we'll be happy to get you set up and start advertising! 

How do I submit an event? 

The process is very easy! Simply use the link below and fill out the form. We will input have it live on the calendar in no more than 24 hours. 

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